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柴油發(fā)電機組的日常維護保養 Diesel Genset maintenance

第一:需要檢查好柴油和潤滑油,因為柴油發(fā)電機長(cháng)期處于靜態(tài),機組本身各種材料會(huì )與機油、冷卻水、柴油、空氣等發(fā)生復雜的化學(xué)、物理變化.

Please check the diesel and lubricating oil. When the generator is static for a long time, the various materials of the unit itself will have complex chemical and physical changes with the oil, cooling water, diesel oil, air,which will cause hidden but continuous damage to the genset.



Please check the solenoid valve. When the unit is running, you can check by watching, listening, touching, and sniffing. When starting by listening, press the start button for three seconds to start. During three seconds of startup, two clicks can normally be heard. If you only hear the first click but not the second, you need to check whether the start solenoid valve is working properly.


第三:檢查電池組.電池的維護保養是發(fā)電機正常啟動(dòng)關(guān)鍵性的決定因素。電池組出問(wèn)題時(shí)會(huì )有“有電壓無(wú)電流”的故障。出現此情

況能聽(tīng)到啟動(dòng)電機內電磁閥吸合聲音,但無(wú)帶動(dòng)連軸。電池組出現問(wèn)題導致無(wú)法停機,是因為在試機時(shí)采用了停止為電池充電的方式,而導致電池電量不足。也有一種情況可能會(huì )被忽略的是,國產(chǎn)電池壽命較短,大概在兩年左右,如忘記定期更換,也會(huì )出現這種情況。

Please check the battery .Battery maintenance is a key determinant of the normal start-up process of the generator. When there is a problem with the battery , there will be a "voltage without current" . In this case, you can hear the sound of the solenoid valve in the starter motor, but the coupling is not driven. The battery fails to stop due to the battery charge is stopped when the test machine is tested, which leads to the battery power shortage. There is also a situation that may be ignored is that domestic batteries have a short life, about two years or so. This situation may also occur if you forget to replace them regularly.


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